Friday 9 December 2011

I love you, but I dont like you...

My close  friend and I are having on ongoing dispute about the possibility of loving someone and at the same time not liking that person.
  • My view is that you can, of which he strongly oppose, needless to say we where at it from 12:am  until minutes to 6  and still have not been able to resolve the issue. 
    Let me explain my reason for standing so strongly behind my view.
    • About eight years ago I had the privilege of meeting and forming relation with some individuals , at first all seems well until  I  got  closer to them  then  I realize  I didn't care much for what  I thought  at the  time  was  there  ways.
      Now  as time  went on I got to understand that this was their  character  not  their  ways,  for  example I  believe a  person  ways are mostly  bad  habits that are practice, and ones character defines  who you are as on individual.   
      •   So the closer I got to these  individuals the more I realize  that their characters leaves nothing  to  be  desired, the  way they treat  people their arrogance, self absorbances and the list goes on, I also  realize that I would never  want  to be like  them.
 As a christian  who  believe in  loving all  people,  which  I do, but  after  my  experience  with these individual and more  like  them I   took  the  stand  that  I  will indeed  love  all people  but  only  like  some
.Now  my friend  think  that is  just  crazy, how he said  can  you  not like  someone     but love that person? Simple I respond, as  a christian we know that  love is  base on principle, to be kind, to  be patient , to be humble. to be truthful , to be caring and hopeful in all things, the thyme of the  gospel of  Christ is  love, therefore I must love, but not like the bad character  of  that  person,  if  I should  embrace  someone who  have  a  bad  character  I would  be telling that person  that been  bad  is good, and would lose any chance of  helping  he or she to change, so because  I don't  like  their character I  don't embrace it.
My argument  is this  since  your  character  defines  who  you  are and  I  don't  like  your  bad  character isn't it  a  fact  that I don't  like  you?  And since  it  is  my desire  to see  you  change  because I believe  you can, and  don't  want  to  see  you  self destruct, doesn't that means that I love you?
Still confuse?  Lets put it this  way God loved  us but He  don't  like  the sin  we  commit, right?  Now God  set  out  to  change  us, what does  He work on? Isn't it our character?
I love the person but  I  don't  like  his or her character .

 Like however unlike love is base on feelings,  the  things  that  you  do  make  me feel good,  but   the  moment  I you are  not doing  the  things  that I  like, I won't be liking you anymore   and  want  to  be as  far  away  from you  as possible, it;s  like  a  marriage  where  the  wife  or  husband  change  and  there are constance  fighting, they have to  separate, they do  that  not  because  they  like  the  behavior of each other, no! they do because they don't like it, but I am sure  that they love each other.
Say[ God  forbid} one of  my  daughters decided to hang with the wrong crowed  and  eventually becomes  a  criminal,  do  you  think  I could  hate my  child? NO!  but I would dislike her criminality.
I will end on the note on which I commence, so I don't exhaust my point henceforth rendering it redundant .

I would love to hear  your views on this topic.


  1. That is why our Lord came to this Earth. He loves us all but does not like the evil that we do.

  2. Comment to posting :"I love you, but I dont like you...

    It all will depend on the role you are playing or from which you are pondering the point of your topic.

    As women
    we have the responsibility and power to preserve life and have the keys of the gates leading toward posterity. It is we who will decide which individual and treats deserves to reach posterity and which must be stopped and die. That’s the law of nature.

    So we will open the gates of love to those individuals displaying desirable traits, both physical and in manners, both material and moral traits.

    The only exception is in times of war, pandemonium or apocalyptic catastrophe
    in which we would preserve life mating with whoever or whatever is available for that purpose.

    So, feeling love, falling in love, is the form that power and responsibility of preserving life emerges as a cultural and social habit in normal life.

    We don’t think of bad habits when we fall in love unfortunately.

    We must consider that bad habits may come as a result of an unhappy marriage. Alcoholism, drug addiction, adultery, you name it, may be the outcome of an unfriendly home, both for male or female counterpart.
    So, when talking of couples, its not one individual, its two.

    As a mother:
    As a mother you will be always on the side of your son or daughter whatever his or her behavior or fate. Their good and bad behavior will be an outcome of their home education.

    As a religious person:
    God has nothing to do with this.
    May be there is some connection with the character of virgin Mary who was in charge of the life of jesus when he was a child. When she knew the Herode’s thughs wer coming beheading children at their path she would wait a minute. She took her baby, a donkey and her husband, in that order and left for Egypt. Later, when Jesus was tortured and murdered by the Pharisees, she just went along accompanying him unti l th very end. But again, Mary’s attitudes were those of any woman as a mother, no matter who her son was.
    So, God reigns in his clouds above.
    Women reign here on earth.

  3. God reigns is not limited to the clouds above. And I will add He have everything to do with it, Jesus wasn't just another kid He is the Son of God, and He came here for us, to do for us that which we cannot do for ourselves, Which is a different topic entirely .
