Tuesday 6 December 2011

It's really over.

I realize that my previous blog may appeared  to  be  some  what  bias, considering  it's  focus  is  an men  only.   Allowed  me  to  interject,  before  you dubbed  me a man hater, let  me  point  out  a few things.
My blog  is  not  addressing  the  issues  of  a  bad  relationship,  or  who  is  responsible  for most  relationship  been  bad,  neither  was  it  confronting  who  is  responsible  for the  ending of  such  relationship.
  I   am   well  aware   that there  are  some men who  had  hard  times  getting  over  breaking up  as  well,  that  at  times  can even  leaves  long term effects.
    However  the  number of  women  who  suffer  mentally  and  physically  after  a breakup is  by  far  more  higher  than  the male, and  I am  sure  you  will  agree  with  me that some men will  breakup  with   their  woman  today  and tomorrow  sharing  the  bed  of  another, while  is  ex  is devastated.
  It also  may  take her  a  long  time to think  of another  man  much less to  be touch  by one .  Neither  is my blog  in  anyway intended to  encouraged  women  who  are  suffering  the  pain  of  a  breakup  to  mope  themselves  to  oblivion .
  Too  often when  a  relationship  end  we women shut  ourselves  away  from  the rest  of  the world  and  reminiscing   making  it  even  more difficult  to  move  on,  so we  find ourselves  at  the  door   of  despair,  stuck  in  the  memory of  a  love that  wasn't  meant  to  be,  wondering  what  could  have  been  instead  of  accepting  what  is, and  embrace  the  endless possibilities  of  what  can  be.                     

 Now I  don't  believe  nor accept  the notion  that God  gave us companion  to  make  us happy,  but  rather  to  share  our  happiness.  It is  my  belief  that  we  should  strive  to develop on an  individual   level so  that  we  will  be  able  to  achieve some level  of  wholesomeness.

  Only  by learning  to  be  happy  with  who  we  are will  we be  able  to share  and  enjoy  happiness  with  someone  else. Ladies,  too  often we  depend  on men  to  make  us happy, we need  to  learn  that if we  are  depending  an  someone  to  make  us  happy  then we will  be  forever  miserable.
 The truth  is  only  you  can  make  you  truly  happy, or  completely  miserable.  The Almighty  gave you  complete  control  over  your  emotion, manage them well, learn  to  filter  out  what will  destroy you  or  hold  you  back,  smile  more , smell the  roses , love   yourself  and  embrace those  things  that  build, inspire, motivate and strengthen  you.

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