Monday 5 December 2011

It's really over.

So after one year of laughter and fun it's now over, he has move on a week after the breakup, and I am here moping..
 Why does it seems so easy for a guy to get over  breakups ? Is it that they mask their pain in their masculinity by pretending that they have move on when they are really just trying to drowned their sorrows in the depth of some unsuspecting female's desires?
 By trying to use the body of another to block out the memories of the time share with their ex? Intoxicating themselves in the unsatisfying and temporal sexual pleasure of the one that is there..yet cannot be connected because they have not taken the time to disconnected from their ex..instead they behave like an overactive two year old playing with a toy and when it got broken just leave it and move on to the next one, hence forth breaking everything they touch..
.When are they going to realize that women are not toys that can be glued together when it is broken.
.Women are like pearls rear  and irreplaceable, like crystal alluring but delicate, when shattered it takes a lifetime to put it back to it's original form..
.Now my reason for this blog, a young lady came to me because her relationship with her man for one year is over and she is heartbroken because he has moved on, now she want to know what should she do..
.If you read this blog please send your advice.. thanks...hope to hear from you.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hope your friend can be feeling better soon.

    I agree in part with you but; but we should consider that men also may experiment a hard time after splitting and perhaps may be harder for them in some ocassions; specially when they have to leave the house where the couple was living. In that case, it's woman's advantage to be able to weep her pains under a roof while her ex husband (or the like) gets homeless.

    Of course, I agree we are not disposable toys as well as men are not disposable furniture either. Unfortunately, this is the role given to husbands by many wives: a simple furniture.

    It must be handy, useful, not too big, not too small, quiet and silent, be no obstacle, not step on your way, be gentle and available any time you need it.

    You have to consider that all these expectations are quite beyond the possibilities of any man (and any woman as well, if the case).
    (Misteriously, some guys achieve being perfect trunks or center tables.)

    Tmnews Team

  3. LadySaintClaire (imvu)said:

    "I would like to comment, but i am not on fb, and it will not let me. Would you send her this"

    "Dear jen, there is a mourning period for us, and rushing into a new relationship before it is over will make rebounds likely. Cherish your pain and make it work for you like you are doing, trying to understand what is happening. Most men rush to new girls over and over for that feeling of new love, the crush. When reality starts to reapppear, they think they are out of love and rush to a new one to feel that intense crush again, and all the physical feelings that come with it. The best we can do is what women do better, we can understand and use our knowledge to make everyone's life better, including keeping men loyal to one woman only. Know the three stages of love, from crush to frustration, and finally to matured love. Know how to make them work to keep the man loyal. Know the techniques that will make them love you from the bottom of their hearts, not just because of sensations they feel, but from their emotions"
    (This comment was Sent by LadySaintClaire through Fromi Imvu Msgbox and then TheMorningNews account into the blogger.)

  4. thank you for your comments is has been well receive.

  5. Tmnews, i agree that there are cases where the expectation that some women have of there husband are downright ridiculous..But at the same time did he not know of these expectation prior to marring her? Did he expect her to some how change into the woman of his dreams after marriage?

  6. Fromi thank you for your insightful comment.. I have a few questions. How do we keep men loyal? and is that attainable when the guy only intent is to cheat..And isn't it hard to maintain a love that is not base on principle but emotions? If his love for me is embodied in his emotions what happened when he is not feeling so caring? I like the idea of a matured love I believe if we grow to love each other then we will have a better chance of staying together, because we would see each other through all the stages of our life the good and the bad, and then we can say yes in spite of all the flaws I want to be with no one else but that is the principle of love.

  7. I believe love is beyond sex ... Love is when you feel safe with person holding your hand .. The person whom you look direct into her or his eyes and you just feel you want to cry cause u cany express how much u love her .. Its when she puts her hand rubbing ur face telling u i trust u i feel u ifeel safe with u .. Its when are thirsty and u cant fill up ur thirstyness unless when u drink from her bare hands .. Its when u breath her breath .. When you know what ur partner feels think whats in her head from just one look .. Its more beyond than that but wht can i say am a guy wht do i know right .... Don Adnanco

  8. I do agree with you Don. love is not just about sex, its reaching out for someones hand and touching their heart also. its about giving oneself freely and honestly.It always protects, always persevere, its seeks not its own.your a man yes, and i do value and appreciate your views. thank you.
